Why Should I Hire a Local Florida Car Accident Attorney? 

Engaging the services of a local Florida car accident attorney offers you distinct advantages. Familiar with the local judiciary, insurance companies, and community nuances, a local lawyer can better navigate the intricate facets of your case. They will negotiate skillfully with insurance companies that typically seek to minimize payouts, aiming to secure optimal compensation for you. If you find yourself the victim of a car accident, legal help is crucial, and local expertise can make a significant difference. 

What is the Statute of Limitations for Automobile Accidents in Florida? 

In Florida, you have a period of 4 years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury claim. This legal timeframe is crucial; if you fail to initiate a lawsuit within these four years, your case is likely to be dismissed. 

How Does Florida Apply the Standard of Negligence to My Case? 

Florida operates under a system of “modified comparative negligence,” as codified in Fla. Stat. § 768.81. If a plaintiff initiates a negligence lawsuit after March 24, 2023, they won’t be eligible to receive damages if they are determined to be more than 50% responsible for the claimed damages. This significant alteration to Florida’s tort system will impact both individuals who have been injured and defendants, along with their insurers. It is crucial for all parties involved to be well-informed about this substantial modification, as it will have far-reaching consequences on negligence-related damage awards in Florida. 

Is Florida a Fault or No-Fault State for Car Accidents? 

Florida follows a no-fault insurance system. This implies that after a car accident, your own personal injury protection (PIP) insurance will cover your medical expenses, irrespective of who was at fault. 

What Are the Automobile Insurance Requirements in Florida? 

The state mandates that all vehicles with a current Florida registration carry a minimum of $10,000 in Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and $10,000 in Property Damage Liability (PDL). While uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage is not required, the law has stringent conditions for suing for non-economic damages. 

What Are the Insurance Requirements for Rental Cars in Florida? 

Florida law stipulates that a rental car company’s liability coverage becomes primary unless the rental agreement explicitly states otherwise. If the agreement includes a specific provision (in 10-point font or larger) that shifts the liability, then that provision will apply. 

What Should I Do Following a Car Accident in Florida? 

Florida law requires you to stop immediately at the scene of the accident, avoiding obstruction to other vehicles if possible. If there are injuries, seek immediate medical help. Always exchange necessary information with all parties involved and report the accident to law enforcement when mandated by law. 

What Happens if I Hit an Unoccupied Vehicle? 

In cases involving damage to an unoccupied vehicle, you are required to inform the owner. If you can’t locate them, leave a note on the damaged vehicle containing your name, address, and license plate number, and report the incident to the authorities. 

What are the Penalties for Failing to Comply with Post-Accident Procedures? 

Failure to adhere to Florida’s post-accident procedures can result in serious consequences including license revocation and criminal charges. 

How Are Decisions Regarding Liability Made in Florida? 

Determinations about liability in car accidents are made based on evidence, Florida law, and various other factors. Adequate evidence could lead to a settlement offer, or you may choose to proceed with legal action. Should your case reach court, a judge or jury will decide on liability and compensation.