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Glossary of Legal Definitions and Terminology


There is a lot of legal terminology and lingo that can sometimes be confusing.  The team compiled a list of the terms and definitions that are common in our industry.  Check out these definitions and become an expert in legal terminology!


Term Definition Example Usage/Case Type
Acute Injury An injury that occurs suddenly and is usually associated with intense pain. Resulting from a slip and fall accident.
Adverse Event An unexpected medical occurrence that may or may not be related to a medical treatment. Investigated in clinical trials or drug injury cases.
Arbitration A method of resolving disputes outside the courts, where the parties agree to be bound by the decision of an arbitrator. Common in commercial contracts to resolve disputes.
At Fault Accident A traffic accident where one party is legally blamed for causing it. Used to determine liability in car accident claims.
Available Compensation The total financial resources available to a claimant in a lawsuit. Discussed during the settlement of a personal injury case.
Bedsore An injury to the skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on the skin. Common in medical malpractice cases related to patient neglect.
Birth Injury An injury suffered by a newborn during the birthing process. Cases involving medical negligence during childbirth.
Bone Fracture A medical condition where there is a break in the continuity of the bone. Often a result of accidents or falls in personal injury claims.
Brachial Plexus Injury An injury to the network of nerves that sends signals from the spine to the shoulder, arm, and hand. Commonly associated with birth trauma.
Caput Succedaneum Swelling of a newborn’s scalp that appears as a lump or bump on their head shortly after delivery. Can be a sign of birth trauma.
Cephalohematoma An area of bleeding underneath one of the cranial bones that appears as a raised bump on a newborn’s head. May occur as a result of birth injury.
Cerebral Palsy A congenital disorder of movement, muscle tone, or posture due to abnormal brain development. Often resulting from birth injuries or medical malpractice.
Chronic Injury An injury that develops slowly over time and is long-lasting. Related to repetitive stress or overuse in workplace cases.
Class Action A lawsuit filed by one or more plaintiffs on behalf of a larger group. A class action against a company for consumer fraud.
Comparative Negligence A legal doctrine that reduces the amount of damages a plaintiff can recover, based on their own negligence. Used in car accident cases where both parties are at fault.
Contingency Fee A sum of money that a lawyer receives as a fee only if the case is won. Used in personal injury cases, paid as a percentage of the settlement.
Daubert Standard A rule of evidence regarding the admissibility of expert witnesses’ testimony. Applied in a medical malpractice case to evaluate expert testimony.
Dehydration A condition that results when the body loses more water than it takes in. Often cited in cases of nursing home neglect or abuse.
Defective Drug A medication that causes harm due to its design, manufacturing process, or marketing strategy. A lawsuit against a pharma company for a drug causing side effects.
Defective Product A product that is unsafe for its intended use due to a design, manufacturing, or labeling defect. Involved in product liability lawsuits for causing injury.
Deposition A sworn out-of-court testimony by a witness. Used in the discovery phase to gather information.
Disfigurement Injury An injury that results in permanent damage to the appearance or function of a body part. Seen in cases involving severe burns or accidents.
Disfigurement or Permanent Disability Physical changes leading to long-term impairment or loss of a body function. Involved in serious personal injury cases.
Discovery The pre-trial process where parties can obtain evidence from each other. In defective product cases, it involves exchanging safety-related documents.
Driver Negligence The failure of a driver to exercise reasonable care under the circumstances. A key factor in motor vehicle car accident litigation.
Duty of Care The legal obligation to adhere to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others. Central to negligence claims and personal injury lawsuits.
Emotional Trauma A psychological response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event. Often a component of pain and suffering claims in personal injury cases.
Estate The total of all the property and debts that a person leaves behind at death. Relevant in wrongful death cases and estate planning.
Expert Witness A person with special knowledge in a field relevant to the case, allowed to testify at a trial. In medical malpractice cases, providing opinion on standard of care.
Failure to fulfill obligations The act of not meeting the legal, professional, or ethical standards expected in a role. Often cited in breach of contract or negligence cases.
Failure to Treat Neglecting to provide necessary medical care for a condition. A form of medical malpractice.
General Damages Compensation for non-monetary damages, such as pain and suffering, that do not have a specific dollar value. Awarded for emotional distress in personal injury cases.
Head Injury Trauma to the skull, brain, or scalp, ranging from mild to severe. Includes open, closed, concussion, primary and secondary lesions.
Head Trauma An injury to the head that may affect the brain, skull, or scalp. Can occur in car accidents, falls, or sports injuries.
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy A condition in which the brain does not receive enough oxygen. A serious concern in birth injury cases.
Improper Treatment Medical care that deviates from the accepted medical standard and causes harm to the patient. A basis for medical malpractice claims.
Injunction A judicial order preventing a person from beginning or continuing an action that threatens another’s legal rights. Used in IP cases to prevent copyright infringement.
Injury Physical harm or damage to the body caused by an external force. A common element in personal injury and tort cases.
Internal Injury An injury to internal organs or the internal structure of the body. May result from blunt trauma or penetrating injuries.
Liability Legal responsibility for one’s actions or inactions. Examined in slip and fall cases to determine property owner’s responsibility.
Lost Wages and Loss of Future Earning Potential The income an individual loses due to injury, including potential future earnings. Claimed in personal injury cases where the injury affects work ability.
Malnutrition A condition that results from eating a diet in which one or more nutrients are either not enough or are too much. Can be evidence of neglect in elder abuse or personal injury cases.
Mass Tort A legal action involving many plaintiffs against few defendants in court. Asbestos exposure cases are typical mass torts.
Medical Bills The costs for medical care, including hospital stays, doctor visits, and procedures. Frequently recovered in personal injury settlements.
Medical Malpractice Professional negligence by a healthcare provider that leads to substandard treatment, resulting in harm to a patient. Involves cases of misdiagnosis, improper treatment, or surgical errors.
Mediation A dispute resolution process involving a neutral third party to help find a solution. Used in family law to settle disputes outside of court.
Mental and Emotional Anguish The psychological suffering due to an event or condition, often a component of personal injury claims. Considered in the assessment of pain and suffering damages.
Misdiagnosis An incorrect diagnosis of a medical condition. A common issue in medical malpractice lawsuits.
Negligence Failure to take proper care in doing something, leading to damage or injury. In a car accident, it’s assessed if a driver ignored traffic laws.
Neurological Injury An injury to the nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. Can result from accidents, medical procedures, or diseases.
No-Fault Accident An accident where no party is deemed legally responsible for the incident. Common in states with no-fault insurance laws for car accidents.
Orthopedic Injury An injury to the musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, and muscles. Frequently occurs in workplace accidents and sports injuries.
Pain and Suffering The physical and emotional stress caused from an injury. Claimed in personal injury for trauma post-accident.
Paraquat A toxic chemical herbicide linked to causing serious health problems. Involved in lawsuits related to pesticide exposure and injury.
Pedestrian A person traveling on foot, whether walking or running. Often involved in road traffic accident claims.
Pedestrian Negligence The failure of a pedestrian to exercise reasonable care for their own safety. Considered in accident cases involving accidents with pedestrians and vehicles.
Personal Injury An injury to the body, mind, or emotions, as opposed to an injury to property. The focus of many civil lawsuits, including accidents and negligence cases.
Power of Attorney A legal document allowing one person to act in a legal or financial capacity for another. Often discussed in cases of estate planning and elder law.
Premises Liability The legal responsibility of a property owner to prevent harm to individuals on their property. Key in slip and fall accident cases.
Product Liability The legal liability of manufacturers and sellers for producing or selling a faulty product. Manufacturer held liable in cases where defective products cause injury.
Property Damage Harm or destruction to real or personal property. A common claim in accidents involving vehicles or real estate.
Punitive Damages Monetary compensation exceeding simple compensation to punish the defendant. Awarded in product liability cases to punish wrongdoing manufacturers.
Sepsis A life-threatening condition caused by the body’s response to an infection. Can lead to legal action if resulting from medical negligence.
Settlement An agreement between parties to resolve a lawsuit outside of court. Many personal injury claims are resolved through settlements.
Skeletal Injury An injury affecting the bones of the skeleton. Can occur in accidents, falls, or as a result of direct trauma.
Slip & Fall An incident where a person slips, trips, or falls due to a hazardous condition on someone’s property. A common type of premises liability case.
Soft Tissue Injury An injury to the muscles, ligaments, or tendons. Often incurred in car accidents or sports activities.
Special Damages Compensation for monetary losses, such as medical bills and lost wages, incurred due to an injury. Calculated based on the actual financial loss in personal injury cases.
Spinal Cord Injury Damage to the spinal cord that results in a loss of function, such as mobility or feeling. Can result from severe accidents, leading to major lawsuits.
Statute of Limitations The time limit within which a lawsuit must be filed. Personal injury claims must be filed within a specific time after the incident.
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage The leakage of blood underneath the conjunctiva of the eye, often appearing as a bright red patch. Can occur due to injury or in birth trauma cases.
Surgical Malpractice Negligence by a medical professional during surgery that results in harm to the patient. A specific type of medical malpractice claim.
Tort A wrongful act leading to civil legal liability. Personal injury and defamation are types of torts.
Toxic Tort A tort caused by exposure to a harmful substance, like chemicals or pharmaceutical drugs. Related to asbestos exposure or contaminated water.
Workers Compensation A form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment. Mandatory in many jurisdictions to protect injured workers if they have workplace injury.
Wrongful Death A legal claim against someone who can be held liable for a death. Arises from fatal accidents or medical malpractice.