Injured in an accident? Call now for a free legal case review today!
Injured? Call now for a free case review!
Injured? Get a free case review!
Injured in an accident? Call now for a free legal case review today!
Injured? Call now for a free case review!
Injured? Get a free case review!

Find a Lawyer For Your Case.

Were you or a loved one injured by a product or during an accident?

Prescription drugs, medical devices and serious accidents can cause severe or life-changing injuries and often a manufacturer is to blame. Talking to an experienced attorney can help you get the compensation and justice you deserve!

You may be compensated for:

  • Illness or Injury
  • Loss of Income
  • Wrongful Death
  • Other Injuries
  • Emotional Distress
  • Medical Bills
  • Loss of a Loved One
  • Pain & Suffering

Contact Us for Free Consultation 855-625-7778

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Why do I need to hire a lawyer?

A personal injury lawyer helps people who have been physically or emotionally hurt in a car accident. As soon as you can, talk to a lawyer. A lawyer can help you understand your state’s laws by explaining your rights and responsibilities. They also talk to insurance companies, which always try to give out the least amount possible. Your lawyer will fight for you to get the fair compensation you deserve.

Even minor injuries caused by accidents can sometimes have long-term effects you didn’t expect. This can make your medical bills very expensive. After an accident, worry can make it hard to do everyday things. Recovering from a car crash can be a long and arduous process. You’re not alone in this.

What is a settlement and the deadline?

A settlement is an agreement between the person who caused the accident or their insurance company and the injured person. This could happen before or during a trial at any time. One side could ask the other to pay a fee during talks. Most of the time, settlements are better than going to court since everyone saves time, money, and work. If they can’t come to an agreement, the case will go to court.

Each state has its own rules about how long you have to file a lawsuit after an injury. This is called the “statute of limitations.” It is the maximum time the parties have to go to court and start the lawsuit process. Depending on the laws in your state, this could be anywhere from one to six years. A injury lawsuit has a different timeframe than filing a claim with your own or someone else’s insurance. Most insurance policies tell you how long you have to make a claim. Talk to your insurance company to determine what you need to do according to your policy.

Do you want to get the compensation you deserve?

Reach out to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and find out how we can help you make a claim!